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Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap Water?

What do you drink from? If you’re in a bar or a restaurant, it’s likely that you’re drinking tap water – although some upscale places may filter their water or give it to you in a bottle for the table, it all comes from the tap. At home there are a lot more options. If you’re on the go, bottled water is a convenient choice, but has some other issues that come with it. If you’re in an office or you want controlled water in your home, large reusable bottles are another alternative. But which water source is better for you?

Where Does Tap Water Come From?

Our drinking water comes from lakes, rivers, and groundwater. Then the water is processed and distributed through treatment plants, storage tanks, and is then sent to our houses through various pipe systems. We can take our water for granted sometimes, America’s water infrastructure is much more advanced than others of its kind.  Groundwater can be affected by a lot of different factors, but our treatment plants clean our water supply to make it safe for consumption.

Bottled water is usually taken extra care of, filtered multiple times, and enhanced to taste good and provide electrolytes and other nutrients that tap water may be lacking. While bottled water is not the most environmentally friendly option because of the single-use plastics they’re stored in, they provide a quick and easy alternative for people who are on the go.

What Is The Best Water Source?

There isn’t much of a clear choice between bottled water and tap, as each source has it’s pros and cons and depends on a lot of various factors and personal preferences. Here are some things to consider:

  • Safety: In developed countries, tap water is generally safe to drink, as it is regulated and treated to remove harmful contaminants. However, in some places, tap water may contain pollutants or bacteria that can make you sick. Bottled water is often marketed as a safer alternative, but it is not always the case. Some studies have found that bottled water can also contain contaminants, and it is not as tightly regulated as tap water.
  • Cost: Bottled water is typically more expensive than tap water, especially if you buy it in single-use plastic bottles. Tap water is almost free, and you can filter it if you prefer.
  • Convenience: Bottled water is convenient because you can take it with you wherever you go. However, it generates a lot of waste, and plastic bottles can take hundreds of years to decompose. Tap water is always available at home or work, and you can fill up a reusable water bottle to take with you.
  • Taste: Some people prefer the taste of bottled water because it is often filtered and has fewer minerals than tap water. However, others prefer the taste of tap water because it contains natural minerals that can affect the flavor.

Overall, whether bottled water is better than tap water depends on your priorities. If safety is your primary concern, tap water is generally safe to drink in developed countries. If you prioritize cost and sustainability, tap water is the better option. Regardless, Culligan is your solution for clean and delicious water in your home, from your tap or from bottles.

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