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How To Conserve Water In The Bathroom

We all have learned the hard way this year, nothing is immune to inflation, including our water bills. Every shower, dishwasher, and plant watered costs more now than ever. We tend to use the most water in our bathrooms. Flushing toilets, taking showers, shaving your face – it all adds up and impacts your home or business’s total water consumption. With the rising costs of living these days, we’re all looking to find a way to save a few bucks, especially on our water bills. Water conservation won’t only help your wallet, but it helps the planet by keeping our water supply accessible for all who need it. After all, our freshwater is our greatest shared resource! The following are a few simple tips and tricks on how to conserve water in your bathroom.

1. Shut off the sink while brushing your teeth

It’s one of the simplest and oldest tricks in the book – instead of keeping the sink running while you brush your teeth, wet your toothbrush with a little bit of water, and then shut off the water while you brush. You’ll be able to conserve a ton of water that would otherwise just run down the drain unused!

2. Install high-efficiency appliances

Your shower head, toilet, and faucet could be wasting a ton of water and you don’t know it. High-efficiency shower heads are sold on Amazon, Home Depot, and a ton of other retailers. These appliances restrict the use of water while also making the appliances still effective. Older appliances relied on a much heavier stream of water to send function, but nowadays we have developed better methods.

3. Shorten your shower time

The routine shower shouldn’t take longer than ten minutes, so when you’re under the hot water, don’t waste time, because that wastes water! The average shower uses about 12 liters of water per minute. Even a one-minute reduction in shower time makes a difference.

4. Clean your bathroom with wipes instead of water

In addition to saving water, you save yourself from being exposed to harsh chemicals that some other bathroom cleaners use. Wipes are environmentally friendly and biodegradable too, so you can lose the bucket of water and the mop bucket in lieu of some more efficient alternatives.

5. Check for leaking appliances

Even a steady drip can impact your bottom line. The drips every day will add up to cups, if not gallons wasted down the drain over time, which isn’t smart for your wallet, and isn’t smart for water conservation.

6. Take baths

Baths use less water believe it or not. Make sure to only fill your tub halfway to avoid spillage when you’re in the bath. Also don’t let the water run until you find a good temperature, instead, plug the drain immediately and allow the water temperature to regulate itself over time.

Overall, water conservation is something that we should all be striving to do. We only have so much water to go around, and it shouldn’t go to waste. Life isn’t getting any cheaper either – so make sure your water is being used the best it can be. If you’re concerned with your water quality at home, make sure to schedule a free at-home water test to see how Culligan can help your home!

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